Pirastro KorfkerCradle Shoulder Rest Review and Specs https://violinspiration.com/wp-content/uploads/Pirastro-KorfkerCradle-Shoulder-Rest-Review-and-Specs.jpg

The Pirastro KorfkerCradle shoulder rest is, by far, the most expensive violin rest on the market (at least to my current knowledge). But is it worth it?

If youā€™re interested in achieving the most accurate violin sound possible, or if youā€™d just like to learn about a totally different type of shoulder rest, this article is for you!

Today weā€™ll investigate to see if itā€™s worth the high price tag, and whether or not you should consider buying one.

Pirastro KorfkerCradle Shoulder Rest - full set with manual
Pirastro KorfkerCradle @ pirastro-shoulderrests.com

Pirastro Korfker Cradle Shoulder Rest Specs

Price: $1,100

Materials: Maple tonewood, alloy aluminum, rubber pads

Sizes: 4/4 violin

The Pirastro KorfkerCradle is a shoulder rest unlike any others Iā€™ve seen: it sits on its own base that then attaches to the violin with hooked wooden feet. The idea is for the shoulder rest to have as few points of contact with the violin as possible, allowing it to vibrate to its fullest extent.

Pirastro KorfkerCradle Shoulder Rest - KorfkerCradle alone angle view
@ pirastro-shoulderrests.com

The entire thing is made of the highest-quality maple tonewood, which the vibrations can then travel through. A standard shoulder rest made of plastic and rubber would hinder many of those vibrations, dampening the sound of your violin.

This is the most expensive shoulder rest on the market and is intended for professionals, those who want a very precise setup, and anyone looking to get the most true violin sound they can.

KorfkerCradle Review

The KorfkerCradle is a very smart shoulder rest design. The combination of customization and prioritizing acoustics is ideal, and I hope that it leads to even more innovation in violin accessories.

However, this shoulder rest is just so expensive. Itā€™s hard to justify the price, especially if youā€™re playing on a student instrument and bow. This shoulder rest might cost more than the rest of your setup!

If your goal is to get the best possible sound out of your violin, then this shoulder rest is really the best option out there. It sits away from your instrument, allowing it to vibrate and produce all the sound it can. You also have a lot of freedom when it comes to setting it up since the shoulder rest itself is flexible.

Once itā€™s on, though, it feels very secure and almost like itā€™s part of your violin. It looks sleek, too, since itā€™s made of wood and attaches so differently than traditional shoulder rests.

Itā€™s a little difficult to make adjustments to this shoulder rest. Most adjustments have to be made with a screwdriver since itā€™s built with hex screws. The precise adjustment mechanism offers a lot of stability, but you might be in trouble if you need to adjust your setup on the fly.

Pirastro KorfkerCradle Shoulder Rest - adjusting with hex screw
@ pirastro-shoulderrests.com

Overall, I think this is a fantastic shoulder rest, but the price is hard to get behind. If youā€™re looking for the best acoustic option and are willing to pay for it, then this might be a great option. If youā€™re looking for something comfortable and reliable and youā€™re happy with the sound of your violin, then a cheaper, more standard shoulder rest would probably be better for you.

Using the KorfkerCradle vs. No Shoulder Rest

I could go on and on about using a shoulder rest versus not using one, and Iā€™m sure many readers could too! Personal preferences aside, Iā€™d like to discuss the acoustics of this shoulder rest in comparison to not using one.

When playing the violin without a shoulder rest, youā€™ll hear some natural muffling from the point where your neck and collarbone meet the violin, along with any parts of the back of the instrument that might rest against your chest.

Pirastro KorfkerCradle Shoulder Rest - pink coat girl playing violin

Your clothing and your body can absorb part of the sound that the instrument creates, therefore creating a softer, more muted sound.

Playing with a standard shoulder rest will also mute a bit of sound: the feet directly touch the violin, absorbing some vibrations, and the shoulder rest itself can stop some of the sound depending on the materials itā€™s made of.

The KorfkerCradle mutes the violin the least out of these three options. It only touches the violin very minimally, and is made of wood that vibrates along with the violin, sustaining its natural sound without stealing anything.

Pirastro KorfkerCradle Shoulder Rest - C boutcontact point on violin
@ pirastro-shoulderrests.com
Pirastro KorfkerCradle Shoulder Rest - bottom contact point on violin
@ pirastro-shoulderrests.com
Pirastro KorfkerCradle Shoulder Rest - attached on violin
@ pirastro-shoulderrests.com

Some players have noticed that their instruments sound louder and more resonant with this shoulder rest than they do with standard shoulder rests, sponges, and no shoulder rest at all.

Other Violin Shoulder Rests by Pirastro

If youā€™re intimidated by the high price tag of the KorfkerCradle, Pirastro does have a few other options worth looking into.

Pirastro KorfkerRest Model 2

Price: $368

Materials: Maple tonewood, alloy aluminum, rubber pads

Sizes: 4/4 violin; viola

The KorfkerRest is Pirastroā€™s most popular shoulder rest. The shoulder rest itself looks very similar to the one attached to the KorferCradle, giving you a similar feel without the wooden base, and for a much cheaper price.

Pirastro KorfkerCradle Shoulder Rest - Pirastro KorfkerRest Model 2 full set

This shoulder rest is still quite expensive though, starting at $368. Despite the price point, many professional violinists swear that they canā€™t go back to a standard shoulder rest after trying this one; itā€™s just so customizable!

The Pirastro KorfkerRest is made of maple tonewood, just like the Cradle. This wood vibrates with the instrument and is also adjustable to give you maximum freedom in your setup.

This particular shoulder rest does have standard feet, but they collapse against the shoulder rest to easily fit into most violin cases. I personally love when shoulder rests have collapsible feet, because it makes them so much easier to transport!

The KorfkerRest is available for 4/4 violin and for 15-16 1/2 inch violas.

Pirastro KorfkerCradle Shoulder Rest - Pirastro KorfkerRest Model 2 violin
Pirastro KorfkerRest Model 2 ā€“ Violin Shoulder Rest

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Pirastro KorfkerCradle Shoulder Rest - Pirastro KorfkerRest Model 2 viola
Pirastro KorfkerRest Model 2 ā€“ Viola Shoulder Rest

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Pirastro KorfkerRest Luna

Price: $274

Materials: custom aerospace-grade composite polymer

Sizes: 3/4 and 4/4 violin; viola

The KorfkerRest Luna is the newest offering by Pirastro. This shoulder rest has the same overall design as the standard KorfkerRest, but itā€™s made of composite material instead and is priced a little cheaper at $274.

The Luna shoulder rest was built with the ultimate instrument sound in mind, with very minimal disturbance to the natural violin sound. Some players have felt that the sound of their violin opens up more when playing with this shoulder rest.

This shoulder rest is the same weight as the KorfkerRest (32 grams), but due to its material, itā€™s not bendable. The shape itā€™s in the box is the shape youā€™ll have to play with. This is a huge drawback for those interested in this brand for its flexibility. This is a shoulder rest that you buy for the acoustic properties and not so much for ergonomic purposes.

Pirastro KorfkerCradle Shoulder Rest - Pirastro KorfkerRest Luna full set
Pirastro KorfkerRest Luna @ pirastro-shoulderrests.com

One really positive aspect of the Luna shoulder rest is the feet. The shoulder rest comes with a few different feet that you can experiment with to find the best fit for your instrument. Once you find the best setup, the feet collapse against the shoulder rest for easy storage.

Overall, the KorfkerRest Luna is a great option if youā€™re looking to boost your violinā€™s acoustics without spending quite so much on the KorfkerRest or the KorfkerCradle.

The KorfkerRest Luna is available for violin in 3/4 and 4/4 sizes and viola.

Pirastro KorfkerCradle Shoulder Rest - Pirastro KorfkerRest Luna viola
Pirastro Korfker Rest Luna ā€“ Violin Shoulder Rest

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Pirastro KorfkerCradle Shoulder Rest - Pirastro KorfkerRest Luna violin
Pirastro Korfker Rest Luna ā€“ Viola Shoulder Rest

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Final Thoughts

Pirastro makes fantastic products, and their shoulder rests are designed for professionals looking to get the most sound out of their instruments. If youā€™re happy with your sound, these shoulder rests likely arenā€™t worth it for you. If you love fiddling around with new equipment and are interested in finding the best sound possible, then this is a worthwhile investment in that endeavor.

Pirastro KorfkerCradle Shoulder Rest - Julia playing smiling nicely looking directly

Have you tried the KorfkerCradle, or any shoulder rest made by Pirastro? What are your thoughts? Iā€™d love to hear your opinions!

If you enjoyed this article, you might like learning about other violin shoulder rests like Bon Musica or Everest, or learn about violin rosin, to achieve an even better tone. Happy playing!

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