How Much Do Violin Lessons Cost

If you’re thinking about learning the violin, a big part of your research is probably finding out how much violin lessons cost.

In general, the average cost for violin lessons in the US is around $60 (USD) for an hour, $70 (CAD) in Canada, £35 in the UK, and €37 across Europe.

There are a few different formats for violin lessons, and depending on your location and the teacher you choose, the price you pay for lessons can be unique. Here, I’ll discuss these factors, and help you understand the costs that go into learning to play the violin.

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Types of Violin Lessons

There are a few different ways you might choose to learn violin. The most common, standard way of learning is by taking private lessons with a violin teacher. However, you could take group lessons or teach yourself using books and online resources. Children might have the option to learn violin in school as an elective class or extracurricular.

Recently, online lessons have become popular and are an easy way to find a good teacher. There are still many in-person options, though. Some teachers work in their home or at a school, and other teachers may even travel to your home for lessons!

Most teachers, myself included, recommend consistent weekly lessons. However, if you’re busy or trying to save money, some teachers will give monthly lessons or one-off lessons if needed.

Each different way of learning is priced differently, and they all have pros and drawbacks. It’s important to think about what type of learner you are and how you’d like to go about learning violin.

Factors That Determine the Violin Lessons Cost

There’s no one set price for violin lessons around the world; there are many different things that factor into the price any music teacher may charge. Let’s talk about what these factors are.

Teacher’s Expertise

A teacher’s expertise and education are big factors in their pricing. Professional musicians will charge more than a high schooler who wants to make a little spending money, and a college professor might charge less than a musician who plays in a big orchestra.

Violin teachers will also likely charge more the longer they’ve been teaching because the experience on the job is very valuable!

You want to find a teacher who has a lot of experience helping people of all backgrounds and who has a good reputation.

Lesson Length

Most private instructors charge a set amount for 30 minutes, more for 60 minutes, and somewhere in between for 45 minutes. In general, the longer the lesson, the higher the price.

I find that half-an-hour lessons are usually a good length for beginners. You make progress fast at the start of the journey, and you might not have enough stamina to play longer than a half hour anyway.

Students that are more on the intermediate side and higher benefit from longer lessons, where you can really go in-depth and look at more material.

Lesson Format

violin lessons cost - group lessons at school

Private in-person lessons

When you think of music lessons, you probably imagine a one-on-one scenario, which we call private lessons. This is the typical setup to learn an instrument, but it’s not the only one!

Group lessons at school

If you have a child learning an instrument in school, they’re probably learning in a group setting with their classmates. Many kids learn violin this way, and they play well!

Group lessons generally cost less than one-on-one lessons do. It’s an efficient way to teach many people and build community.

A mix of private & group lessons

Some violin teachers will offer group lessons in addition to private, one-on-one lessons. The Suzuki method of teaching champions both formats, so if you’re looking into a music school that focuses on the Suzuki method, you’ll probably come across group offerings.

Online lessons – private, in a group, or self-study

Online private lessons have grown in popularity over the last few years as so many of us moved our lives online. Finding a teacher who works online can be great! You might find someone who teaches differently from anyone around you locally.

violin lessons cost - sheet music online learning

Most private teachers who work both online and in-person charge the same rates for either format. With our current technology, online lessons can feel very similar to in-person lessons, and are just as informative!

Next, by enrolling in an online school, you can enjoy group online classes, while having direct contact with a teacher and the community of alike violinists, and combine it with learning at your own pace – for more details check out my online school for adult violin beginners, Julia’s Violin Academy.

violin lessons cost group online classes

Finally, you can teach yourself using books and online resources, like my lessons here.


violin lessons cost location map of world

Where your teacher is located will have a big impact on the price of private lessons. If you live in a big city, lessons will probably cost more than they do in small towns or rural areas. But, cities are great hubs for professional musicians, as the arts are usually booming there.

  • United States

In places like New York City or DC, private lessons usually cost anywhere between $70 and 120 (USD) for an hour-long lesson. Smaller, less expensive cities tend to range from $50 to 80 for an hour-long private lesson and teachers in small towns and rural areas may charge $40-70 per hour.

  • Canada

Again, prices will vary between big cities and rural areas, but the average private violin lessons cost in Canada tends to be $70-100 CAD.

  • United Kingdom

The average cost of lessons in the UK is £35. In big cities and for high-level teachers, it may cost more. In areas with a lower cost of living, you may find lessons for around £30.

  • Europe

Violin teachers all over Europe will of course charge wildly different amounts for private lessons, but the average price across the continent comes to around €37.

Equipment list

In addition to paying for lessons, there are of course materials you’ll need to play the violin.

The first thing you’ll need is a violin, along with a bow. If you’d like to learn more about buying a violin, read my overview of violin prices and a guide on how to buy a violin. Violin rentals can also be an affordable way to start learning the instrument before you decide to really commit and buy your own.

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violin lessons cost Shoulder Rest - Wolf Forte Secundo

After you have a violin, there are smaller accessories you’ll need, like rosin, shoulder rest, and a music stand. Read all about my accessory recommendations here.

Sheet music is another expense to consider, especially if you find a teacher who then assigns you a book. If you’re teaching yourself on your own, I have a huge library of free violin music for you to work through!

Lastly, you’ll want to have a tuner and a metronome on hand. A tuner will help you keep your violin in tune, and a metronome is a practice tool that helps you play with a steady beat.


Are private violin lessons worth it?

As long as you work well in one-on-one scenarios and enjoy the experience, then yes, private violin lessons are worth it! However, if you prefer to learn in alternate ways, a different lesson format may work best for you.

How can I save money on violin lessons?

To save money on violin lessons, join an online school where a monthly fee can be at the level of one or two in-person lessons.

Alternatively, you can look for a teacher who you like and can afford. Some private instructors offer package discounts if you buy a certain number of lessons upfront. Other teachers may give a small “discount” if you take hour-long lessons instead of 45-minute lessons.

How to find a violin teacher

You can find violin teachers with the help of the Internet. If you’re looking for someone local, search “violin lessons” + your city on your search engine of choice. If you know anyone taking lessons, ask who their teacher is. Word of mouth is a great way to find someone!

For online lessons, searching “online violin lessons” will pull up many results. Read through a few teachers’ biographies, and see if you connect with anyone.

In Conclusion

Violin lessons cost different amounts throughout the world, depending on the lesson format. Finding a teacher you work well with, a format that suits your learning style, and lessons that you can afford are all very important parts of your violin journey.

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Or, if you’re wondering if a violin is the right instrument for you, you can compare it with a viola or a cello.

Do you have any questions about finding violin lessons suitable for you? Ask me in the comments!

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