Violin Gifts - Best Gift Ideas for Violinists

Are you looking to purchase the perfect gift for a special violinist in your life or a violin teacher you know? Lucky for you, you wonā€™t have to look any further because I have put together my recommended violin gifts.

Getting violin-related gifts is great because they are thoughtful and personalized to their hobbies. The gifts might even encourage the violinist to love the violin more! They are a special way to acknowledge someoneā€™s hard work and love for music, and will definitely be appreciated by the receiver. However, as we all know, there are certain gifts that fall a little flat. After years of giving and receiving violin-related gifts, I know exactly what violinists like to receive.

Read on to see what gifts made the cut for both violinists and violin teachers!

15 Best Gifts for Violinists

In my opinion, the best place to start for getting your favorite violin player something is practicality. What do violinists need but at the same time hate spending their own money on? Whatā€™s a nice gift you can give them that they will actually use? I personally find joy in knowing that gifts from me get used and enjoyed.

Below Iā€™ve compiled some of my favorite practical gifts, as well as fun music-related items that violin players with or without a teacher will love.

1. Nice Rosin

I find that often violinists donā€™t experiment with rosin unless they have run out of it or they are gifted some. Going to your local violin shop and asking for some higher-end rosin can be a great gift your violinist is likely to appreciate and actually use. You can also find a variety of rosins online. They are affordable and will be a great reminder of your generosity.

I usually recommend Pirastro Gold but if thatā€™s already in use, then some nice options are the Sartory rosin, Pirastro rosin, or the Cecilia Sanctus.

violin gifts - Pirastro Gold Rosin
violin gifts - D'Addario Violin Rosin Guard with Light Rosin

While itā€™s very seldom to run out of rosin, it is surprisingly easy to accidentally smash a piece of rosin and make it unusable, e.g. by dropping it on the floorā€¦ But hereā€™s a nice solution to this problem ā€“ a rosin with a shock absorbent!

2. New Set of Violin Strings

Another great option that will help your music lover sound even better is a new set of violin strings! They are guaranteed to use them if you find the correct size. If you know that the violinist likes to use a specific kind, buy that set, but if not, try something new like a Thomastik Dominant set, an Evah Pirazzi set, or a Pirastro Obligato set. Nice strings can change the sound of the violin completely and will encourage your violinist to practice more to try them out!

violin gifts - Thomastik-Infeld Dominant strings set 135

3. Music Stand

Upgrading a violinistā€™s practice set-up can be such a thoughtful gift. Going from a wire stand to something sturdier and fancier can offer your violinist a change of practice view. Try a fancy, wooden-carved stand or a sturdy metal stand they can fold or even take to a gig.

violin gifts - music stand

If youā€™re a tinker, you may think of a DIY sheet music stand extender to help your fellow violinist put more pages of sheet music on the music stand!

4. Violin Stand or Holder

violin holder - Hardwood Violin Hanger with Bow Holder

A student of mine shared recently that one of the best practice tips he got was to always have the violin somewhere in a visible place, not in the casing. Seeing the violin reminds and motivates us to practice and makes it easier to practice more often. So, how can you easily put the violin on display?

My favorite solution is a nice, small wall mount. It serves me well in my studio. In the past, I also enjoyed using a minimalistic Gewa BSX stand. Another useful solution is a foldable stand that you can take anywhere with you ā€“ check out this one. Thereā€™s also a stable, quality wooden stand ā€“ a great choice if the violin you will put there is expensive.

For even more options (including DIY) visit my post: 10 Best Violin Holders and Stands ā€“ Product Reviews.

5. Sheet Music Binder

Among very useful violin accessories is a sheet music binder. It helps to organize all the printed scores and doesnā€™t have to be huge ā€“ just to accommodate currently practiced exercises and pieces. You can choose a more elegant one or one with a nice color cover here.

violin gifts - Sheet Music Binder

6. Sheet Music Clips and Holders

When we talk about sheet music, there are problems that all musicians face: the sheet music book wants to close itself and loose pages fall off the stand ā€“ especially if you play on the outsideā€¦

But, there are some nice solutions out there! You can use a metal page holder or these big musical paper clips. Small colorful paper clips are available too. Which solution do you like the most?

violin gifts - Metal Music Book Clip and Page Holder
violin gifts - big paper clips
violin gifts - small paper clips

7. A Book ā€“ Physical or E-Book

Iā€™d recommend buying a physical book that is really useful for a violin student (like the Kreutzerā€™s etudes), or when you know that the person who will get it really wants such a book, e.g. biography of a particular composer or violinist. Please remember that not everyone has a lot of space to store the physical books or might not be an avid reader, so buying an e-book, or audio-book in some cases, can be a good solution.

If you are looking for a nice set of pieces for a violin beginner, see what is in my Ultimate Songbook for Beginners.

violin gifts - Ultimate Songbook for Beginners

The Ultimate Songbook
for Beginner Violinists by Julia Termeer


If youā€™re looking for a Christmas-themed book, Iā€™ve got for you an e-book with 23 pieces and piano accompaniment.

Christmas Classics + Piano Accompaniments

Christmas Classics ā€“ 23 Beautiful Christmas Songs
with Piano Accompaniments for the Beginner Violinist


8. A Violin Mute

Itā€™s always good to have an option of silent practice, so also a violin mute will be another useful gift. There are different types of mutes, and having one doesnā€™t mean that a second one will be redundant. In fact, different levels of muting are needed depending on the situation. For example, for someone joining a band or an orchestra, an orchestra mute will be needed instead of a heavy metal practice mute.

violin gifts - Metal Violin Practice Mute
violin gifts - Catrpilr mute for violin multicolor
violin gifts - 3D-printed orchestral mutes for violin multicolor

Or, in order to add some colors, you can choose a colorful 3D-printed mute such as the Catrpilr or a set of 3 orchestral mutes.

9. Metronome and Tuner

Even though violinists have access to an app to tune their violin or work with an online metronome, having a physical device can be beneficial in reducing ā€œscreen time.ā€ Moreover, using apps can be distracting so much just by simply showing notifications about new messages during the practice session. If one of these reasons apply, you may consider buying a physical tuner and metronome.

Before the online app, I used to use the Korg TM-60 tuner and metronome which I can recommend. Buying a mechanical metronome can also be a nice touch! Including a set of batteries to go with is a nice addition as well.

violin gifts - Violin Tuner KORG TM-60

10. Geared Pegs

Geared pegs are a relatively newer invention that allow violinists to tune their instruments by using pegs with precision, ease, and speed. They eliminate the need for fine tuners and are great for musicians who want to start using the pegs more regularly. A new set cost around $70-200 and will make their life so much easier!

violin gifts - Wittner Finetune Geared Pegs

Alternatively, you can look for some special fine tuners like those from Luxitune.

11. Violin Case

Violin cases are personal and can be pricier, so you might want to consult to see what will meet their needs best. A nice violin case upgrade might be a fancy Fiddlerman Oblong case, a Tonareli fiberglass case, or a Bam case to really go all out. The main things to look for are the amount of space, weight of overall case, colors, and portability. Click here to learn more about violin cases and check out a comparison of different products.

violin gifts - Violin Case bam 2000XLW

In a climate where temperature and humidity change drastically, you may want to choose an extra layer of protection for the violin ā€“ a silk bag.

12. Concert Tickets

What classical music lover wouldnā€™t love tickets to go see their favorite orchestra or band live in person? Being able to go to a concert with another person you care about is so special and creates an experiential memory that the two of you will share.

violin gifts - Violin concert tickets

13. Practice Log or Customized Notepad

If your musical player likes to stay organized, getting them a practice log or customized notepad can be a thoughtful gift. It is meant to be encouraging, kind, and perfect so that they can keep all their violin notes in one place. I like this practice log, but you can also look for some options to create a personalized notepad.

violin gifts - Practice log
violin gifts - pencils

14. Stand Accessories

Some of the most practical accessories for musicians include items that go with a music stand. This includes good pencils or a stand shelf to hold pencils and other small items like rosin or mute.

15. Violin Lessons

At this point, your fellow violinist is fully equipped with everything to learn to play the violin. Orā€¦ not exactly?

If the person for which youā€™re preparing a special present doesnā€™t have a violin teacher yet, you can greatly help them fulfill their dreams about playing the violin by giving them membership at my online school, Juliaā€™s Violin Academy. Send us a message to support [at] and weā€™ll be more than happy to organize this gift for your dear friend or a loved one!


6 Best Violin Gifts for Teachers

Does anyone else feel like getting the perfect gift for your violin teachers can be the most daunting task? Even though you spend hours with them in lessons, it can be hard to tell if they want gift reminders of what they do for a living. I find that instead of giving so many practical gifts, like a set of strings, I try to search for thoughtful gifts they will enjoy. Below are my favorite gift ideas for teachers.

16. Handwritten Card

Truly, my favorite gift is a handwritten card. The cards are a gift in-and-of-themselves because the students took the time to write and express their gratitude. Most people will agree that getting stuff is nice, but receiving the gift of affirmation and appreciation is difficult to be topped.

violin gifts - Handwritten card

17. Stationary Kit

A stationary kit is appreciated by those who love organization. This cute musical stationary kit comes with 50 cards and envelopes, as well as a decorative box. The notepad is great for teachers because they constantly write things down to keep track of. They could use these in lessons to sum up what they have covered, or simply write down grocery lists. Whatever the final use, this gift is thoughtful and affordable.

violin gifts - Stationary Kit

18. Picture Frame

At first I was thinking that picture frames might be overrated, but similar to the handwritten note, I love a picture frame that has sentimental value. If the gift comes with a picture of you and your teacher inside, it can be extremely nice. The teacher likely will appreciate you and this gesture. Especially if you are graduating from this teacher or have studied with them for a long time, this is a great option. Depending on what you think your teacher may like, choose something like a music-related option or a classy, elegant non-music frame.

violin gifts - Picture frame

19. Favorite CD or Vinyl

If you know that your violin teacher enjoys classical music, look for a recording of their favorite artist or orchestra. Even though now many, if not all, releases are available to stream, gifting a physical music memory is special. Vinyls often have beautiful covers, so at the very least the teacher will be able to appreciate the outside cover and be reminded of their favorite piece.

violin gifts - classical music vinyl

20. Music Tote Bag

Another great option for a present is a tote bag. Violin players often carry many items in their bags, ranging from sheet music and teaching materials to metronomes. Gifting a designated tote bag can be great so that they can separate their teaching materials from their other personal life materials. If you know that your teacher likes violin-related jokes, try this tote bag from Amazon.

violin gifts - music tote bag

21. Food

Who wouldnā€™t want to be given some special treats? It can be a bottle of wine (for someone who drinks alcohol), a gift card to a great restaurant, homemade cookies, or some nice chocolate. Few people will be unappreciative of food!

violin gifts - Mozart Kugeln chocolates

4 Funny or Useless Violin Gifts

For me, there is a category in between a good, useful present, and a gift that I wouldnā€™t want to receive. There are some items which can be found as funny or cute by your fellow violinist or the teacher, or they might turn out to be useless. It all depends on the personal taste of the one who gets them.

My advice here is to be careful with the following items ā€“ before buying and giving, make sure that the recipient needs it or likes such items.

22. Violin-shaped Clock

An addition to a violin teaching studio or musical room of a violin-lover is a violin-shaped clock. For anyone whoā€™s taken an in-person lesson, they know how important it is for the teacher to keep time. The clock not only serves the practical purpose of keeping time, but also adds a nice touch to any musical room. On the other hand, if there is already a clock, or the recipient might not like such room decoration, better look for a different gift.

violin gifts - clock

23. Violin Mug

Most people also enjoy getting mugs to use. There are so many cute mugs to choose from and itā€™s likely that your teacher wonā€™t have chosen a violin mug for him or herself. This mug comes with a cute violin as its handle and music notes on the side. It might be a nice gift for your teacher to use while they teach you in a lesson.

violin gifts - coffee mug

24. Music Cookie Cutter Set

If the gift is supposed to be for someone who likes to bake, gifting them this music cookie cutter set can be the perfect gift. This 5-piece set comes with notes, a violin, a treble clef, and an electric guitar. Whether or not it is the holiday time, cookies are always a fun activity that many will enjoy. The music reference is subtle and not too overbearing with this gift.

violin gifts - Music Cookie Cutters

25. Jewelry Box

This violin-inspired jewelry box is a nice touch for a violinist who wears jewelry. Even a person who doesnā€™t can use it for storing some small objects that can get lost easily.

violin gifts - Jewelry box with a violin

Items To Stay Away From

Even though the intention is very nice, there are some gifts I would like to warn you about getting. Even though violinists often love what they do, there are certain gifts that are received too often or are not that thoroughly enjoyed. Try to stay away from these and go with one of the options above.

1. Violin T-shirt

Buying clothes for someone can always be tricky. Especially if this is for a teacher, you probably want to stay away from it. You may not know your teacherā€™s size and itā€™s inappropriate to ask. Furthermore, it is unlikely that your teacher will want to wear a t-shirt that advertises what they do outside of teaching and performing.

2. A New Instrument or a Bow

I would absolutely recommend that you stray away from purchasing a new instrument, especially online where you may easily get a VSO (violin-shaped object) instead of a quality violin.

Picking out the right instrument, even the bow, is extremely personal, and receiving one from someone can make the recipient feel obligated to use the item. Better try violin strings, a gift card to a music shop or online music shop, a different violin accessory, or even an offer to go shopping with the person to pick out a new instrument.

violin gifts - Violin Shop

Final Word on the Violin Gifts

Finding the perfect gift that violinists will love can be tricky because you donā€™t want to give something that they wonā€™t love. You want to acknowledge their affection for the craft while being considerate. There are so many violin gifts to choose from that range in price point, time, and energy to get or make but I hope that you will find this list to be comprehensive and helpful. And, please remember that itā€™s always okay to ask your fellow violinist or a teacher if your gift idea suits them because it can always happen that another person is getting a similar item for them or they already have one.

Where do you search for violin gifts? What is your favorite gift you have given to or received as a violin player? Please comment below, Iā€™d love to know!

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